What To Ask Your Cleaner

This check list will help you  choose a cleaner

  • Check their insurance "certificate of currency," that it provides 10 million dollars public and product liability cover, 10 million dollars, plus relevant workers compensation cover with Icare. 
  • Ask what products will be used on which surfaces. Products that require less effort often are not recommended as safe on some surfaces.
  • Will they vacuum/mop behind doors.
  • Will they clean behind the loo and  around the loo tap.
  • Will they clean the range hood filters and  the top of  the range hood.
  • Will they bring a set of steps or only clean what they can reach.
  • If glass shower screens and mirrors are above the cleaner's height. How will they clean these.
  • Will they remove scum off the shower cubical floor for your safety or just wipe it to look good.
  • If they finish early will they give you an extra job done or credit the time back to you.
  • Do they insist on cash or will they allow you to transfer into a bank account.
  • At least 10 million dollars cover when job shows up on their books.
  • Will this job show up in their books if you pay cash otherwise the insurance will not pay a claim.

Caution !!! If this job does not show up on books their insurance may not cover a staff injury so this may be claimed on your house hold policy. You should have ten million dollars insurance cover  for your protection if tradies come to your home.

To book your clean 

Ph Leslie 0427 918 891

Email info@wecarecleaningservice.com.au